Leadership Team


Lisa Kane Low, PhD, CNM, FACNM, FAAN

Dr. Lisa Kane Low is a Co-Lead for the Region 9 PQC and Lead on the Mom+ Centric Models of Care & Support workgroup. Lisa is a Certified Nurse Midwife at the University of Michigan and is faculty in the School of Nursing, Women’s and Gender Studies Department, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Lisa has spent her career seeking ways to promote optimal experiences and health outcomes for birthing families. She believes that the RPQC model is one way to assure that all stakeholders are part of the vision and that all families are the center of our mission to improve maternity care experiences and outcomes. Lisa believes that birth equity and social justice are vital to making maternity care services better. For fun, Lisa enjoys listening and dancing to live jam band music, especially her son’s band Pajamas.


Kamilah Davis-Wilson, MHA

Kamilah Davis Wilson is a Co-Lead for the Region 9 PQC and Lead on the Home Visiting workgroup. Kamilah is the Clinical Research Project Manager in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Michigan Medicine. Kamilah is passionate about mental health and maternal and infant health. Kamilah identifies as a mother of four strong willed black sons and comes to Region 9 with the perspective of a mom and a professional who is ready to learn, advocate, and work together to enhance the health of moms, babies, and families in our region. For fun, Kamilah enjoys all things physical activity, cooking, planning projects and events, and spending time with family.

Fiduciary Lead

Julie Tumbrello, MA

Julie Tumbarello was one of the founding leads and is currently the Fiduciary Chair for the Region 9 PQC and Lead for the Trauma-Informed Care workgroup. Julie is currently an Administrative Manager in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Michigan Medicine overseeing research and special projects. Julie believes that a healthy society starts with supporting healthy families, especially those who raise the next generation. Her favorite part about being in the Collaborative is providing a space and organizations that brings people from all different areas together to build a strong, multidisciplinary, community-based group which can address health from every direction. Julie is an Active Dream teacher and offers monthly dream groups, private sessions, and workshops to help people wake up to all the magic and guidance life has to offer.

Project Manager

Helen Allen, MSW

Helen Allen is the project manager for the Region 9 PQC. She received her Master of Social Work from the University of Michigan and has been working full-time with the Collaborative since August 2020. The Region 9 PQC’s focus on community engagement and building authentic relationships align with Helen’s personal and professional values. She strongly believes that working collaboratively is the only way to achieve a more equitable future. Her favorite part of working for the Collaborative is having the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of passionate people. She believes that the energy, ideas, and perspectives each person brings to the table is amazing and truly advances the work. For fun, Helen enjoys DIY projects and gardening.

Administrative Specialist

Avonlea Rickerson, MPH

Avonlea Rickerson is the administrative specialist for the Region 9 PQC. She received her Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan in 2020 and her bachelor’s degree from Howard University in 2017. She has worked in various maternal child health roles throughout Southeast Michigan including Henry Ford Health and Black Mothers’ Breastfeeding Association. She pursued public health to encourage and empower women/birthing people to be more knowledgeable and proactive in their choices in pursuit of health. She strongly believes that through collaboration we can achieve equitable health outcomes for all. She is eager to be a proactive resource for birthing people and their families, and strives to advance maternal care for all. For fun, Avonlea enjoys traveling across the world with her loved ones, trying new foods, and going to the gym.

Workgroup Leads

Truama-Informed Care

Deb Lefever Rhizal, CNM

Deb Lefever Rhizal is Lead of the Trauma-Informed Care workgroup. She is a Certified Nurse Midwife at the University of Michigan. Trauma-Informed Care at its root is respectful, empowering care. She believes the the principles are important for every patient, and absolutely essential for patients who have experienced trauma. Deb enjoys both directly caring for patients one on one and also working to create the environments and policies that allow providers to do that best. Deb joined the trauma-informed care workgroup because she believes that models of care and the psychosocial aspects of care have huge impacts, and was excited to apply quality improvement activities in this realm. For fun, Deb enjoys kayaking, gardening with her children, and collecting wild plants for food or supplements.

Mom+ Centric Models of Care and Support

Melisa Scott, CNM

Melisa is the Lead for the Mom+ Centric Models of Care and Support workgroup. She is a Certified Nurse Midwife at the University of Michigan. She has a strong belief in a person’s ability to birth and has a passion for providing safe, loving, and high-quality care for birthing families.

Home Visiting

Holly Naylor, MPA

Holly Naylor is a Co-Lead for the Home Visiting workgroup. She is the Director of Family PRevention and Education at LACASA, a nonprofit agency that support survivors of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Holly received her Master of Public Administration degree from the University of South Florida and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Emory University. She is also a facilitator for the Stewards of Children child sexual abuse prevention workship and is a Michigan ACEs Community Champion, bringing information on neuroscience, epigenetics, ACEs, and resilience to her community. For fun, Holly loves to hike, backpack, travel, read, and garden.

Perinatal Substance Use Disorder

Dr. Alex Peahl, MD

Dr. Alex Peahl is an Assistant Professor and physician-investigator in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan and Co-Lead for the Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Workgroup. She is a board-certified OB/GYN, with a focus on providing patient-centered, equitable care for marginalized pregnant and postpartum patients. She is the Director of the Partnering for the Future Clinic, a comprehensive care clinic providing services for birthing people with opioid use disorder (OUD). Her overarching career aim is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, experience, and equity of maternity care delivery by centering patients and the people caring for them in intervention design and assessment. Her research content expertise includes prenatal care redesign, peripartum opioid use, and person-centered care for birthing people with OUD. Dr. Peahl is nationally known for her work developing stakeholder-informed approaches to care delivery including the COMFORT guideline, a national guideline for person-centered, peripartum pain management for birthing people with and without OUD and the Plan for Appropriate Tailored Healthcare in pregnancy. Her work also includes the implementation and evaluation of care delivery innovations through robust Human-Centered Design and Implementation Science-informed methodologies—particularly for historically marginalized populations, including birthing people with OUD. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outside with her family.

Perinatal Substance Use Disorder

Julia Erickson

Julia is the Co-Lead for the Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Workgroup. Julia got her degree in Public Health Sciences from the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, with a specific interest in Gender and Health. She currently works as a Clinical Research Coordinator with the Program in Research and Innovation for Maternal Outcomes (PRIMO) at Michigan Medicine’s department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Julia is also a DONA-trained and practicing Birth Doula, and acts as the Program Director for “Dial-a-Doula” at Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital. Through this role, she hopes to increase awareness for birth and reproductive justice, while making doula services more widely available and accessible for patients. Outside of work, Julia enjoys cooking and spending time outside with friends and family.